Organize, advocate, educate and empower

 LFRI represents Latino farmers, Ranchers and producers throughout the WORLD. We have served providing both advocacy and technical support.

Our Mission

To protect, preserve, and serve historically discriminated against farmworkers, farmers and ranchers. Latino Farmers and Ranchers International Inc. will conduct activities in rural communities of the US and beyond. One hundred percent of LFRI”s time is dedicated to the mission of protecting, preserving and serving our constituents. Funding for the organization will come from grants, donations, fund raising activities and partnerships with 100% of funds being reinvested into the organization’s mission. Our mission and activities allow us to provide resources and opportunities for our constituents to have direct access to identified resources and opportunities both public and private that they have previously been denied. This allows our constituents to be self-sufficient and further develop and assist their communities. LFRI initiates local involvement and is the bridge to domestic, national and international markets for the opportunity that will assure success and sustainability especially within the most recent and current climate crisis events worldwide.


NOTE: Membership is free for farmer, farm worker and students with country and regional leads

NOTE: THough partnerships with universities, IAAC and other exchange programs

NOTE: Technical assistance and enhancement

NOTE:Having a farmer voice at the table not only to address food supply but to empower farmers to take the market into their own hands.

NOTE: With international partnerships like Producer’s Trust and other digitization platforms we intend to increase connectivity between the distributors and the farmers but also the farmer to farmer

NOTE: Assist in the enhancement and profitability of products

NOTE: Please notice none of these priorities have mentioned anything specific about race, political affiliation or objectives outside of the future of our planet. What we do want to express is at the heart of the multitude of latino cultures is food. How we grow, what we grow and most importantly why we grow it. When we say seat at the table we do not mean a specific race or nationality what we do mean is within each country the culture that grows food has a seat at the table. We will be forming an indigenous caucus of growers specific to each region as well as a shared platform to showcase cultural food diversity of each specific region. 

Do you need assistance?

Let us know how we can help you. We are here to support you

Grown With Love on Our Farms

“I consider farmworkers, farmers and ranchers as the most selfless and caring people I have ever met. It has been my greatest honor to have grown up with this community and to now be in a position to gather all of you and thank you for maintaining and nurturing our lifeline to humanity; growing food from seed to harvest keeps us all alive.”

Rudy Arredondo

Board Member

Contact Us




19627 Crystal Rock Dr, Germantown, MD, 20874
